13.16 Higher derived functors
The following simple lemma shows that right derived functors “move to the right”.
Lemma 13.16.1. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories. Let $K^\bullet $ be a complex of $\mathcal{A}$ and $a \in \mathbf{Z}$.
If $H^ i(K^\bullet ) = 0$ for all $i < a$ and $RF$ is defined at $K^\bullet $, then $H^ i(RF(K^\bullet )) = 0$ for all $i < a$.
If $RF$ is defined at $K^\bullet $ and $\tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet $, then $H^ i(RF(\tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet )) = H^ i(RF(K^\bullet ))$ for all $i \leq a$.
Assume $K^\bullet $ satisfies the assumptions of (1). Let $s : K^\bullet \to L^\bullet $ be any quasi-isomorphism. Then it is also true that $K^\bullet \to \tau _{\geq a}L^\bullet $ is a quasi-isomorphism by our assumption on $K^\bullet $. Hence in the category $K^\bullet /\text{Qis}^{+}(\mathcal{A})$ the quasi-isomorphisms $s : K^\bullet \to L^\bullet $ with $L^ n = 0$ for $n < a$ are cofinal. From Categories, Lemma 4.22.11 we deduce that $RF$ is the value of the essentially constant ind-object $F(L^\bullet )$ for these $s$. This means that $\text{id} : RF(K^\bullet ) \to RF(K^\bullet )$ factors through $F(L^\bullet )$ for some complex $L^\bullet $ with $L^ n = 0$ for $n < a$. It follows that $H^ i(RF(K^\bullet )) = 0$ for $i < a$.
To prove (2) we use the distinguished triangle
\[ \tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet \to K^\bullet \to \tau _{\geq a + 1}K^\bullet \to (\tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet )[1] \]
of Remark 13.12.4 to conclude via Lemma 13.14.6 that $RF$ is defined at $\tau _{\geq a + 1}K^\bullet $ as well and that we have a distinguished triangle
\[ RF(\tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet ) \to RF(K^\bullet ) \to RF(\tau _{\geq a + 1}K^\bullet ) \to RF(\tau _{\leq a}K^\bullet )[1] \]
in $D(\mathcal{B})$. By part (1) we see that $RF(\tau _{\geq a + 1}K^\bullet )$ has vanishing cohomology in degrees $< a + 1$. The long exact cohomology sequence of this distinguished triangle then shows what we want.
Definition 13.16.2. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories. Assume $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined. Let $i \in \mathbf{Z}$. The $i$th right derived functor $R^ iF$ of $F$ is the functor
\[ R^ iF = H^ i \circ RF : \mathcal{A} \longrightarrow \mathcal{B} \]
The following lemma shows that it really does not make a lot of sense to take the right derived functor unless the functor is left exact.
Lemma 13.16.3. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories and assume $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined.
We have $R^ iF = 0$ for $i < 0$,
$R^0F$ is left exact,
the map $F \to R^0F$ is an isomorphism if and only if $F$ is left exact.
Let $A$ be an object of $\mathcal{A}$. By Lemma 13.16.1 we have $H^ i(RF(A[0]) = 0$ for $i < 0$. This proves (1).
Let $0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$ be a short exact sequence of $\mathcal{A}$. By Lemma 13.12.1 we obtain a distinguished triangle $(A[0], B[0], C[0], a, b, c)$ in $D^{+}(\mathcal{A})$. From the long exact cohomology sequence (and the vanishing for $i < 0$ proved above) we deduce that $0 \to R^0F(A) \to R^0F(B) \to R^0F(C)$ is exact. Hence $R^0F$ is left exact. Of course this also proves that if $F \to R^0F$ is an isomorphism, then $F$ is left exact.
Assume $F$ is left exact. Recall that $RF(A[0])$ is the value of the essentially constant system $F(K^\bullet )$ for $s : A[0] \to K^\bullet $ quasi-isomorphisms. It follows that $R^0F(A)$ is the value of the essentially constant system $H^0(F(K^\bullet ))$ for $s : A[0] \to K^\bullet $ quasi-isomorphisms, see Categories, Lemma 4.22.8. But if $s : A[0] \to K^\bullet $ is a quasi-isomorphism, then $A[0] \to \tau _{\geq 0}K^\bullet $ is a quasi-isomorphism. Hence in the category $A[0]/\text{Qis}^{+}(\mathcal{A})$ the quasi-isomorphisms $s : A[0] \to K^\bullet $ with $K^ n = 0$ for $n < 0$ are cofinal. It follows from Categories, Lemma 4.22.11 that we may restrict to such $s$. Moreover, for such an $s$ the sequence
\[ 0 \to A \to K^0 \to K^1 \]
is exact. Since $F$ is left exact we see that $0 \to F(A) \to F(K^0) \to F(K^1)$ is exact as well. It follows that $F(A) \to H^0(F(K^\bullet ))$ is an isomorphism and the system is actually constant with value $F(A)$. We conclude $R^0F = F$ as desired.
Lemma 13.16.4. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories and assume $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined. Let $A$ be an object of $\mathcal{A}$.
$A$ is right acyclic for $F$ if and only if $F(A) \to R^0F(A)$ is an isomorphism and $R^ iF(A) = 0$ for all $i > 0$,
if $F$ is left exact, then $A$ is right acyclic for $F$ if and only if $R^ iF(A) = 0$ for all $i > 0$.
If $A$ is right acyclic for $F$, then $RF(A[0]) = F(A)[0]$ and in particular $F(A) \to R^0F(A)$ is an isomorphism and $R^ iF(A) = 0$ for $i \not= 0$. Conversely, if $F(A) \to R^0F(A)$ is an isomorphism and $R^ iF(A) = 0$ for all $i > 0$ then $F(A[0]) \to RF(A[0])$ is a quasi-isomorphism by Lemma 13.16.3 part (1) and hence $A$ is acyclic. If $F$ is left exact then $F = R^0F$, see Lemma 13.16.3.
Lemma 13.16.5. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be a left exact functor between abelian categories and assume $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined. Let $0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$ be a short exact sequence of $\mathcal{A}$.
If $A$ and $C$ are right acyclic for $F$ then so is $B$.
If $A$ and $B$ are right acyclic for $F$ then so is $C$.
If $B$ and $C$ are right acyclic for $F$ and $F(B) \to F(C)$ is surjective then $A$ is right acyclic for $F$.
In each of the three cases
\[ 0 \to F(A) \to F(B) \to F(C) \to 0 \]
is a short exact sequence of $\mathcal{B}$.
By Lemma 13.12.1 we obtain a distinguished triangle $(A[0], B[0], C[0], a, b, c)$ in $D^{+}(\mathcal{A})$. As $RF$ is an exact functor and since $R^ iF = 0$ for $i < 0$ and $R^0F = F$ (Lemma 13.16.3) we obtain an exact cohomology sequence
\[ 0 \to F(A) \to F(B) \to F(C) \to R^1F(A) \to \ldots \]
in the abelian category $\mathcal{B}$. Thus the lemma follows from the characterization of acyclic objects in Lemma 13.16.4.
Lemma 13.16.6. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories and assume $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined.
The functors $R^ iF$, $i \geq 0$ come equipped with a canonical structure of a $\delta $-functor from $\mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$, see Homology, Definition 12.12.1.
If every object of $\mathcal{A}$ is a subobject of a right acyclic object for $F$, then $\{ R^ iF, \delta \} _{i \geq 0}$ is a universal $\delta $-functor, see Homology, Definition 12.12.3.
The functor $\mathcal{A} \to \text{Comp}^{+}(\mathcal{A})$, $A \mapsto A[0]$ is exact. The functor $\text{Comp}^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{A})$ is a $\delta $-functor, see Lemma 13.12.1. The functor $RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is exact. Finally, the functor $H^0 : D^{+}(\mathcal{B}) \to \mathcal{B}$ is a homological functor, see Definition 13.11.3. Hence we get the structure of a $\delta $-functor from Lemma 13.4.22 and Lemma 13.4.21. Part (2) follows from Homology, Lemma 12.12.4 and the description of acyclics in Lemma 13.16.4.
Lemma 13.16.7 (Leray's acyclicity lemma). Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor between abelian categories. Let $A^\bullet $ be a bounded below complex of right $F$-acyclic objects such that $RF$ is defined at $A^\bullet $1. The canonical map
\[ F(A^\bullet ) \longrightarrow RF(A^\bullet ) \]
is an isomorphism in $D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$, i.e., $A^\bullet $ computes $RF$.
Let $A^\bullet $ be a bounded complex of right $F$-acyclic objects. We claim that $RF$ is defined at $A^\bullet $ and that $F(A^\bullet ) \to RF(A^\bullet )$ is an isomorphism in $D^+(\mathcal{B})$. Namely, it holds for complexes with at most one nonzero right $F$-acyclic object by Definition 13.15.3. Next, suppose that $A^ n = 0$ for $n \not\in [a, b]$. Using the “stupid” truncations we obtain a termwise split short exact sequence of complexes
\[ 0 \to \sigma _{\geq a + 1} A^\bullet \to A^\bullet \to \sigma _{\leq a} A^\bullet \to 0 \]
see Homology, Section 12.15. Thus a distinguished triangle $(\sigma _{\geq a + 1} A^\bullet , A^\bullet , \sigma _{\leq a} A^\bullet )$. By induction hypothesis $RF$ is defined for the two outer complexes and these complexes compute $RF$. Then the same is true for the middle one by Lemma 13.14.12.
Suppose that $A^\bullet $ is a bounded below complex of acyclic objects such that $RF$ is defined at $A^\bullet $. To show that $F(A^\bullet ) \to RF(A^\bullet )$ is an isomorphism in $D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ it suffices to show that $H^ i(F(A^\bullet )) \to H^ i(RF(A^\bullet ))$ is an isomorphism for all $i$. Pick $i$. Consider the termwise split short exact sequence of complexes
\[ 0 \to \sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet \to A^\bullet \to \sigma _{\leq i + 1} A^\bullet \to 0. \]
Note that this induces a termwise split short exact sequence
\[ 0 \to \sigma _{\geq i + 2} F(A^\bullet ) \to F(A^\bullet ) \to \sigma _{\leq i + 1} F(A^\bullet ) \to 0. \]
Hence we get distinguished triangles
\[ (\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet , A^\bullet , \sigma _{\leq i + 1} A^\bullet ) \quad \text{and}\quad (\sigma _{\geq i + 2} F(A^\bullet ), F(A^\bullet ), \sigma _{\leq i + 1} F(A^\bullet )) \]
Since $RF$ is defined at $A^\bullet $ (by assumption) and at $\sigma _{\leq i + 1}A^\bullet $ (by the first paragraph) we see that $RF$ is defined at $\sigma _{\geq i + 1}A^\bullet $ and we get a distinguished triangle
\[ (RF(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet ), RF(A^\bullet ), RF(\sigma _{\leq i + 1} A^\bullet )) \]
See Lemma 13.14.6. Using these distinguished triangles we obtain a map of exact sequences
\[ \xymatrix{ H^ i(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} F(A^\bullet )) \ar[r] \ar[d] & H^ i(F(A^\bullet )) \ar[r] \ar[d]^\alpha & H^ i(\sigma _{\leq i + 1} F(A^\bullet )) \ar[r] \ar[d]^\beta & H^{i + 1}(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} F(A^\bullet )) \ar[d] \\ H^ i(RF(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet )) \ar[r] & H^ i(RF(A^\bullet )) \ar[r] & H^ i(RF(\sigma _{\leq i + 1} A^\bullet )) \ar[r] & H^{i + 1}(RF(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet )) } \]
By the results of the first paragraph the map $\beta $ is an isomorphism. By inspection the objects on the upper left and the upper right are zero. Hence to finish the proof it suffices to show that $H^ i(RF(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet )) = 0$ and $H^{i + 1}(RF(\sigma _{\geq i + 2} A^\bullet )) = 0$. This follows immediately from Lemma 13.16.1.
Proposition 13.16.8. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor of abelian categories.
If every object of $\mathcal{A}$ injects into an object acyclic for $RF$, then $RF$ is defined on all of $K^{+}(\mathcal{A})$ and we obtain an exact functor
\[ RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \longrightarrow D^{+}(\mathcal{B}) \]
see ( Moreover, any bounded below complex $A^\bullet $ whose terms are acyclic for $RF$ computes $RF$.
If every object of $\mathcal{A}$ is quotient of an object acyclic for $LF$, then $LF$ is defined on all of $K^{-}(\mathcal{A})$ and we obtain an exact functor
\[ LF : D^{-}(\mathcal{A}) \longrightarrow D^{-}(\mathcal{B}) \]
see ( Moreover, any bounded above complex $A^\bullet $ whose terms are acyclic for $LF$ computes $LF$.
Assume every object of $\mathcal{A}$ injects into an object acyclic for $RF$. Let $\mathcal{I}$ be the set of objects acyclic for $RF$. Let $K^\bullet $ be a bounded below complex in $\mathcal{A}$. By Lemma 13.15.5 there exists a quasi-isomorphism $\alpha : K^\bullet \to I^\bullet $ with $I^\bullet $ bounded below and $I^ n \in \mathcal{I}$. Hence in order to prove (1) it suffices to show that $F(I^\bullet ) \to F((I')^\bullet )$ is a quasi-isomorphism when $s : I^\bullet \to (I')^\bullet $ is a quasi-isomorphism of bounded below complexes of objects from $\mathcal{I}$, see Lemma 13.14.15. Note that the cone $C(s)^\bullet $ is an acyclic bounded below complex all of whose terms are in $\mathcal{I}$. Hence it suffices to show: given an acyclic bounded below complex $I^\bullet $ all of whose terms are in $\mathcal{I}$ the complex $F(I^\bullet )$ is acyclic.
Say $I^ n = 0$ for $n < n_0$. Setting $J^ n = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(d^ n)$ we break $I^\bullet $ into short exact sequences $0 \to J^ n \to I^{n + 1} \to J^{n + 1} \to 0$ for $n \geq n_0$. These sequences induce distinguished triangles $(J^ n, I^{n + 1}, J^{n + 1})$ in $D^+(\mathcal{A})$ by Lemma 13.12.1. For each $k \in \mathbf{Z}$ denote $H_ k$ the assertion: For all $n \leq k$ the object $J^ n$ is in $\mathcal{I}$. Then $H_ k$ holds trivially for $k < n_0$. If $H_ n$ holds, then Lemma 13.14.12 shows that $J^{n + 1}$ is in $\mathcal{I}$ and we have $H_{n + 1}$. By Proposition 13.14.8 we have a distinguished triangle $(RF(J^ n), RF(I^{n + 1}), RF(J^{n + 1}))$. Since $J^ n, I^{n + 1}, J^{n + 1}$ are in $\mathcal{I}$ the long exact cohomology sequence ( associated to this distinguished triangle collapses to an exact sequence
\[ 0 \to F(J^ n) \to F(I^{n + 1}) \to F(J^{n + 1}) \to 0 \]
This in turn proves that $F(I^\bullet )$ is exact.
The proof in the case of $LF$ is dual.
Lemma 13.16.9. Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an exact functor of abelian categories. Then
every object of $\mathcal{A}$ is right acyclic for $F$,
$RF : D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \to D^{+}(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined,
$RF : D(\mathcal{A}) \to D(\mathcal{B})$ is everywhere defined,
every complex computes $RF$, in other words, the canonical map $F(K^\bullet ) \to RF(K^\bullet )$ is an isomorphism for all complexes, and
$R^ iF = 0$ for $i \not= 0$.
This is true because $F$ transforms acyclic complexes into acyclic complexes and quasi-isomorphisms into quasi-isomorphisms. Details omitted.
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