Abbes, Ahmed, É léments de géométrie rigide. V olume I
Abbes, Ahmed, Réduction semi-stable des courbes d'après A rtin, D eligne, G rothendieck, M umford, S aito, W inters, $…$
Aberbach, Ian and Hosry, Aline and Striuli, Janet, Uniform A rtin-R ees bounds for syzygies
Abramovich, Dan and Corti, Alessio and Vistoli, Angelo, Twisted bundles and admissible covers
Abramovich, Dan and Graber, Tom and Vistoli, Angelo, Gromov-W itten theory of D eligne-M umford stacks
Abramovich, Dan and Olsson, Martin Christian and Vistoli, Angelo, Tame stacks in positive characteristic
Abramovich, Dan and Vistoli, Angelo, Compactifying the space of stable maps
Achinger, Piotr, Wild ramification and $K(\pi , 1)$ spaces
Akasaki, Takeo, Projective $R$ -modules with chain conditions on $R/J$
Alexeev, Valery, Moduli spaces $M_g,n (W)$ for surfaces
Alexeev, Valery and Knutson, Allen, Complete moduli spaces of branchvarieties
Alper, Jarod, Adequate moduli spaces and geometrically reductive group schemes
Alper, Jarod, Good moduli spaces for A rtin stacks
Alper, Jarod, On the local quotient structure of A rtin stacks
Altman, Allen and Kleiman, Steven, Foundations of the theory of F ano schemes
André, Michel, Homologie des algèbres commutatives
André, Michel, Méthode simpliciale en algèbre homologique et algèbre commutative
André, Yves, Une introduction aux motifs (motifs purs, motifs mixtes, pé riodes)
Anel, Mathieu and Toën, Bertrand, Dé nombrabilité des classes d'é quivalences dé rivé es de varié té s algé briques
Aoki, Masao, Erratum: “H om stacks” [M anuscripta M ath. 119 (2006), no. 1, 37–56; MR2194377]
Aoki, Masao, Hom stacks
Arabia, Alberto, Relèvements des algèbres lisses et de leurs morphismes
Arbarello, Enrico and Cornalba, Maurizio and Griffiths, Philip Augustus and Harris, Joseph Daniel, Geometry of Algebraic Curves: Volume I
Artin, Emil and Nesbitt, Cecil James and Thrall, Robert McDowell, Rings with M inimum C ondition
Artin, Michael, Algebraic approximation of structures over complete local rings
Artin, Michael, Algebraic spaces
Artin, Michael, Algebraic structure of power series rings
Artin, Michael, Algebraization of formal moduli: II – Existence of modifications
Artin, Michael, Algebraization of formal moduli: I
Artin, Michael, Construction techniques for algebraic spaces
Artin, Michael, Etale coverings of schemes over Hensel rings
Artin, Michael, Grothendieck topologies: notes on a seminar
Artin, Michael, Lipman's proof of resolution of singularities for surfaces
Artin, Michael, On the solutions of analytic equations
Artin, Michael, The implicit function theorem in algebraic geometry
Artin, Michael, Théorèmes de représentabilité pour les espaces algébriques
Artin, Michael, Versal deformations and algebraic stacks
Artin, Michael and Bertin, Jean-Etienne and Demazure, Michel and Grothendieck, Alexander and Gabriel, Pierre and Raynaud, Michel and Serre, Jean-Pierre, Schémas en groupes
Artin, Michael and Denef, Jan, Smoothing of a ring homomorphism along a section
Artin, Michael and Grothendieck, Alexander and Verdier, Jean-Louis, Theorie de Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schemas I , II , III
Artin, Michael and Mazur, Barry, Etale homotopy
Artin, Michael and Rotthaus, Christel, A structure theorem for power series rings
Artin, Michael and Winters, Gayn, Degenerate fibres and stable reduction of curves
Arzdorf, K. and Wewers, S., Another proof of the Semistable Reduction Theorem
Auslander, Maurice, On the dimension of modules and algebras. III . G lobal dimension
Auslander, Maurice, On the purity of the branch locus
Auslander, Maurice and Buchsbaum, David A., Homological dimension in local rings
Authors, The Stacks Project, Stacks Project
Avramov, Luchezar and Halperin, Stephen, Through the looking glass: a dictionary between rational homotopy theory and local algebra
Avramov, Luchezar L., Flat morphisms of complete intersections
Baer, Reinhold, Abelian groups that are direct summands of every containing abelian group
Ballard, Matthew Robert, Derived categories of sheaves of quasi-projective schemes
Baranovsky, Vladimir, Algebraization of bundles on non-proper schemes
Barlet, Daniel, Espace analytique réduit des cycles analytiques complexes compacts d'un espace analytique complexe de dimension finie
Barth, Wolf and Van de Ven, Antonius, F ano-varieties of lines on hypersurfaces
Bass, Hyman, Big projective modules are free
Beauville, Arnaud and Donagi, Ron, La variété des droites d'une hypersurface cubique de dimension 4
Beauville, Arnaud and Laszlo, Yves, Un lemme de descente
Beddani, Charef, Note on the completion of a local domain with geometrically normal formal fibers
Beheshti, Roya, Lines on F ano hypersurfaces
Behrend, Kai, Cohomology of stacks
Behrend, Kai, Gromov-W itten invariants in algebraic geometry
Behrend, Kai A., Derived $l$ -adic categories for algebraic stacks
Behrend, Kai and Conrad, Brian and Edidin, Dan and Fantechi, Barbara and Fulton, William and Göttsche, Lothar and Kresch, Andrew, Algebraic stacks
Behrend, Kai and Fantechi, Barbara, The intrinsic normal cone
Behrend, Kai and Manin, Yuri, Stacks of stable maps and G romov-W itten invariants
Behrend, Kai and Noohi, Behrang, Uniformization of D eligne-M umford curves
Beilinson, A. A., Coherent sheaves on $\bf P ^n $ and problems in linear algebra
Beilinson, A. A., The derived category of coherent sheaves on $\bf P ^n$
Beilinson, Alexander A. and Bernstein, Joseph and Deligne, Pierre, Faisceaux pervers
Beilinson, Alexander and Drinfeld, Vladimir, Quantization of Hitchin's integrable system and Hecke eigensheaves
Bennett, Bruce, On the structure of non-excellent curve singularities in characteristic $p$
Berkovich, Vladimir G., Spectral theory and analytic geometry over non-A rchimedean fields
Berthelot, Pierre, Cohomologie cristalline des schémas de caractéristique $p>0$
Berthelot, Pierre and Grothendieck, Alexander and Illusie, Luc, Thé orie des I ntersections et T hé orè me de R iemann-R och
Berthelot, Pierre and Ogus, Arthur, $F$ -isocrystals and de R ham cohomology. I
Berthelot, Pierre and Ogus, Arthur, Notes on crystalline cohomology
Bhatt, Bhargav, Algebraization and T annaka duality
Bhatt, Bhargav, On the non-existence of small C ohen-M acaulay algebras
Bhatt, Bhargav and de Jong, Aise Johan, Crystalline cohomology and de Rham cohomology
Bhatt, Bhargav and de Jong, Aise Johan, Lefschetz for local P icard groups
Bhatt, Bhargav and Morrow, Matthew and Scholze, Peter, Integral $p$ -adic H odge theory
Bhatt, Bhargav and Scholze, Peter, Projectivity of the W itt vector affine G rassmannian
Bhatt, Bhargav and Scholze, Peter, The pro-étale topology for schemes
Birman, Joan, On braid groups
Bkouche, Rudolphe, Pureté, mollesse et paracompacité
Bloch, S., The moving lemma for higher C how groups
Bloch, Spencer, Algebraic cycles and higher $K$ -theory
Bondal, A. and Orlov, D., Derived categories of coherent sheaves
Bondal, Alexei and Orlov, Dmitri, Reconstruction of a variety from the derived category and groups of autoequivalences
Bondal, Alexei and Van den Bergh, Michel, Generators and representability of functors in commutative and noncommutative geometry
Bondal, Alexei. and Kapranov, Mikhail, Representable functors, Serre functors, and reconstructions
Borel, Armand, Linear algebraic groups
Borisov, Lev A. and Chen, Linda and Smith, Gregory George, The orbifold C how ring of toric D eligne-M umford stacks
Bosch, Siegfried and Lütkebohmert, Werner, Formal and rigid geometry. I . R igid spaces
Bosch, Siegfried and Lütkebohmert, Werner, Formal and rigid geometry. II . F lattening techniques
Bosch, Siegfried and Lütkebohmert, Werner and Raynaud, Michel, Formal and rigid geometry. III . T he relative maximum principle
Bosch, Siegfried and Lütkebohmert, Werner and Raynaud, Michel, Formal and rigid geometry. IV . T he reduced fibre theorem
Bosch, Siegfried and Lütkebohmert, Werner and Raynaud, Michel, Néron Models
Bourbaki, Nicolas, É léments de mathématique. A lgèbre commutative
Bourbaki, Nicolas, É léments de mathématique. T opologie générale. C hapitres 1 à 4
Brandenburg, Martin, Rosenberg's reconstruction theorem
Brieskorn, Egbert, Rationale S ingularitäten komplexer F lächen
Buchsbaum, David Alvin and Eisenbud, David, What makes a complex exact?
Bökstedt, Marcel and Neeman, Amnon, Homotopy limits in triangulated categories
Bühler, Theo, Exact categories
Cadman, Charles, Using stacks to impose tangency conditions on curves
Campana, Frederic, Connexité rationnelle des varié té s de F ano
Campana, Frederic, On the twistor spaces of class $\mathcal C $
Canonaco, Alberto and Stellari, Paolo, Fourier-M ukai functors in the supported case
Cartan, Henri and Eilenberg, Samuel, Homological algebra
Castravet, Ana-Maria, Rational families of vector bundles on curves
Cesnavicius, Kestutis, Problems about torsors over regular rings (with an appendix by Yifei Zhao)
Charles, François and Poonen, Bjorn, Bertini irreducibility theorems over finite fields
Chase, Stephen U., Direct products of modules
Chevalley, Claude, Dé monstration d' une hypothè se de M . A rtin
Chevalley, Claude, Les classes d' equivalence rationnelles II
Chevalley, Claude, Les classes d' equivalence rationnelles I
Chevalley, Claude, Some properties of ideals in rings of power series
Chow, Wei Liang, On the theorem of B ertini for local domains
Christensen, J. Daniel and Keller, Bernhard and Neeman, Amnon, Failure of B rown representability in derived categories
Cipu, Mihai and Popescu, Dorin, A desingularization theorem of N éron type
Clebsch, Alfred, Zur T heorie der R iemann'schen F lachen
Clemens, Herbert Clemens and Griffiths, Phillip Augustus, The Intermediate J acobian of the Cubic Threefold
Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis, Die B rauersche G ruppe; ihre V erallgemeinerungen und A nwendungen in der A rithmetischen G eometrie
Conrad, Brian, Arithmetic moduli of generalized elliptic curves
Conrad, Brian, Deligne's notes on N agata compactifications
Conrad, Brian, Formal GAGA for Artin stacks
Conrad, Brian, Grothendieck duality and base change
Conrad, Brian, Keel-Mori theorem via stacks
Conrad, Brian and de Jong, Aise Johan, Approximation of versal deformations
Conrad, Brian and Lieblich, Max and Olsson, Martin, Nagata compactification for algebraic spaces
Coombes, Kevin Robert, Every rational surface is separably split
Cossec, François and Dolgachev, Igor, Enriques Surfaces I
Costa, Douglas L., Seminormality and projective modules
Cox, David Archibald and Katz, Sheldon, Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry
Crew, Richard, Etale $p$-covers in characteristic $p$
Datta, Rankeya and Smith, Karen E., Excellence in prime characteristic
de Jong, A. J., Smoothness, semi-stability and alterations
de Jong, A. J. and He, Xuhua and Starr, Jason Michael, Families of rationally simply connected varieties over surfaces and torsors for semisimple groups
de Jong, A. Johan, Families of curves and alterations
de Jong, Aise Johan, A conjecture on arithmetic fundamental groups
de Jong, Aise Johan, Crystalline D ieudonné module theory via formal and rigid geometry
de Jong, Aise Johan, The period-index problem for the B rauer group of an algebraic surface
de Jong, Aise Johan and Starr, Jason, Cubic fourfolds and spaces of rational curves
de Jong, Aise Johan and Starr, Jason, Divisor classes and the virtual canonical bundle for genus 0 maps
de Jong, Aise Johan and Starr, Jason, Every rationally connected variety over the function field of a curve has a rational point
De Marco, Guiseppe, Projectivity of pure ideals
Debarre, Olivier, Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry
Debarre, Olivier, Variétés rationnellement connexes (d'après T . G raber, J . H arris, J . S tarr et A . J . de J ong)
Deligne, P., Caté gories tannakiennes
Deligne, P., Thé orème de L efschetz et critères de dé gé né rescence de suites spectrales
Deligne, Pierre, Cohomologie étale
Deligne, Pierre, La conjecture de W eil. I
Deligne, Pierre, La conjecture de W eil. II
Deligne, Pierre, Théorie de H odge. II
Deligne, Pierre, Théorie de H odge. III
Deligne, Pierre and Illusie, Luc, Relèvements modulo $p^2$ et dé composition du complexe de de R ham
Deligne, Pierre and Katz, Nicholas, Groupes de monodromie en géométrie algébrique. II
Deligne, Pierre and Milne, James S. and Ogus, Arthur and Shih, Kuang-yen, Hodge cycles, motives, and S himura varieties
Deligne, Pierre and Mumford, David, The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus
Demazure, Michel, Motifs des variétés algébriques
Deninger, Christopher and Murre, Jacob, Motivic decomposition of abelian schemes and the F ourier transform
Deuring, Max, Algebren
Dieudonné, Jean and Grothendieck, Alexander, É léments de géométrie algébrique
Doncel, José Luís and Rodríguez-Grandjeán, Alfredo and Vale, Maria Jesús, On the homology of commutative algebras
Drinfel'd, Vladimir Gershonovich, Langlands' conjecture for $\rm GL (2)$ over functional fields
Drinfel'd, Vladimir Gershonovich, Two-dimensional $l$ -adic representations of the G alois group of a global field of characteristic $p$ and automorphic forms on $\rm GL (2)$
Drinfel'd, Vladimir Gershonovich, Two-dimensional $l$ -adic representations of the fundamental group of a curve over a finite field and automorphic forms on $\rm GL (2)$
Dumitrescu, Tiberiu, On some examples of atomic domains and of $G$ -rings
Dwyer, William G. and Greenlees, John Patrick Campbell, Complete modules and torsion modules
Eakin, Jr., Paul Mechlin, The converse to a well known theorem on N oetherian rings
Edidin, Dan, Notes on the construction of the moduli space of curves
Edidin, Dan, What is a Stack?
Edidin, Dan and Graham, William, Equivariant intersection theory
Edidin, Dan and Hassett, Brendan and Kresch, Andrew and Vistoli, Angelo, Brauer groups and quotient stacks
Eilenberg, Samuel and Mac Lane, Saunders, General theory of natural equivalences
Eilenberg, Samuel and Steenrod, Norman, Foundations of algebraic topology
Eilenberg, Samuel and Zilber, Joseph Abraham, On products of complexes
Ein, Lawrence and Mustaţă, Mircea, Inversion of adjunction for local complete intersection varieties
Ein, Lawrence and Mustaţă, Mircea and Yasuda, Takehiko, Jet schemes, log discrepancies and inversion of adjunction
Eisenbud, David, Commutative Algebra
Eisenbud, David and Huneke, Craig, A finiteness property of infinite resolutions
Ekedahl, Torsten, On the adic formalism
Elkik, Renée, Solutions d'équations à coefficients dans un anneau hensélien
Elmanto, Elden and Hoyois, Marc and Iwasa, Ryomei and Kelly, Shane, Cdh descent, cdarc descent, and M ilnor excision
Emerton, Matthew and Gee, Toby, Dimension theory and components of algebraic stacks
Emerton, Matthew and Gee, Toby, “Scheme-theoretic images” of morphisms of stacks
Emmanouil, Ioannis, Mittag-L effler condition and the vanishing of $\varprojlim ^1$
Engelking, Ryszard, General Topology
Epp, Helmut P., Eliminating wild ramification
Esnault, Hélène, Varieties over a finite field with trivial C how group of 0-cycles have a rational point
Faltings, Gerd, Ü ber die A nnulatoren lokaler K ohomologiegruppen
Faltings, Gerd, A contribution to the theory of formal meromorphic functions
Faltings, Gerd, Algebraisation of some formal vector bundles
Faltings, Gerd, Der E ndlichkeitssatz in der lokalen K ohomologie
Faltings, Gerd, Ein K riterium für vollständige D urchschnitte
Faltings, Gerd, Ein einfacher B eweis, dass geometrische R egularität formale G lattheit impliziert
Faltings, Gerd, Ergänzungen zu einem A rtikel über dualisierende K omplexe
Faltings, Gerd, Finiteness of coherent cohomology for proper fppf stacks
Faltings, Gerd, Integral crystalline cohomology over very ramified valuation rings
Faltings, Gerd, Some theorems about formal functions
Faltings, Gerd, Stable $G$ -bundles and projective connections
Faltings, Gerd, Zur E xistenz dualisierender K omplexe
Faltings, Gerd, Über M acaulayfizierung
Faltings, Gerd, Über lokale K ohomologiegruppen hoher O rdnung
Fantechi, Barbara, Stacks for everybody
Fantechi, Barbara and Mann, Etienne and Nironi, Fabio, Smooth toric DM stacks
Fantechi, Barbara and Pandharipande, Rahul, Stable maps and branch divisors
Ferrand, Daniel, É pimorphismes d'anneaux et algèbres séparables
Ferrand, Daniel, Conducteur, descente et pincement
Ferrand, Daniel, Descente de la platitude par un homomorphisme fini
Ferrand, Daniel, Suite ré gulière et intersection complète
Ferrand, Daniel and Raynaud, Michel, Fibres formelles d'un anneau local noethérien
Fischer, Gerd, Complex analytic geometry
Flenner, Hubert, Ein K riterium für die O ffenheit der V ersalität
Forster, Otto, Lectures on R iemann surfaces
Franke, Jens, On the B rown representability theorem for triangulated categories
Freyd, Peter, Abelian categories. A n introduction to the theory of functors
Fujiwara, Kazuhiro and Kato, Fumiharu, Foundations of Rigid Geometry I
Fulton, William, Hurwitz schemes and moduli of curves
Fulton, William, Intersection Theory
Fulton, William and Harris, Joe, Representation Theory, a First Course
Fulton, William and MacPherson, Robert, Categorical framework for the study of singular spaces
Fulton, William and Olsson, Martin Christian, The P icard group of $\mathcal M _1,1 $
Fulton, William and Pandaharipande, Rahul, Notes on stable maps and quantum cohomology
Gabber, Ofer, $K$ -theory of H enselian local rings and H enselian pairs
Gabber, Ofer, A property of nonexcellent rings
Gabber, Ofer, Affine analog of the proper base change theorem
Gabber, Ofer and Ramero, Lorenzo, Foundations for almost ring theory–Release 7.5
Gabriel, Pierre, Des caté gories abé liennes
Gabriel, Pierre and Zisman, Michel, Calculus of fractions and homotopy theory
Gaitsgory, Dennis, On de J ong's conjecture
Gaitsgory, Dennis and Rozenblyum, Nick, DG Indschemes
Garel, Emmanuelle, An extension of the trace map
Geraschenko, Anton and Satriano, Matthew, Toric Stacks I : The Theory of Stacky Fans
Geraschenko, Anton and Satriano, Matthew, Toric Stacks II : Intrinsic Characterization of Toric Stacks
Gibney, Angela and Keel, Sean and Morrison, Ian, Towards the ample cone of moduli spaces of stable curves
Gieseker, D., Lectures on moduli of curves
Giraud, Jean, Cohomologie non abélienne
Gleason, Andrew Mattei, Projective topological spaces
Godement, Roger, Topologie algébrique et théorie des faisceaux
Goerss, Paul Gregory and Jardine, John Frederick, Simplicial homotopy theory
Goodwillie, T. G. and Lichtenbaum, S., A cohomological bound for the $h$ -topology
Goresky, Mark and MacPherson, Robert, Stratified M orse theory
Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Mazur, Barry and Starr, Jason, Arithmetic questions related to rationally connected varieties
Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Mazur, Barry and Starr, Jason, Rational connectivity and sections of families over curves
Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Starr, Jason, A note on H urwitz schemes of covers of a positive genus curve
Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Starr, Jason, Families of rationally connected varieties
Graber, Tom and Harris, Joseph and Mazur, Barry and Starr, Jason, Jumps in M ordell-W eil rank and arithmetic surjectivity
Gray, John W., Sheaves with values in a category
Greco, Silvio, Two theorems on excellent rings
Greco, Silvio and Strano, Rosario, Quasicoherent sheaves over affine H ensel schemes
Greenlees, John Patrick Campbell and May, Jon Peter, Derived functors of $I$ -adic completion and local homology
Griffiths, Phillip August, On the Periods of Certain Rational Integrals, I
Griffiths, Phillip August, Periods of Integrals on Algebraic Manifolds, II
Griffiths, Phillip August, Variations of H odge structure
Griffiths, Phillip August and Harris, Joseph, Principles of Algebraic Geometry
Gross, Philipp, Tensor generators on schemes and stacks
Gross, Philipp, The resolution property of algebraic surfaces
Gross, Philipp, Vector bundles as generators on schemes and stacks
Grothendieck, A., Standard conjectures on algebraic cycles
Grothendieck, Alexander, Cohomologie locale des faisceaux cohérents et théorèmes de L efschetz locaux et globaux $(SGA$ $2)$
Grothendieck, Alexander, Fondements de la gé omé trie algé brique
Grothendieck, Alexander, La thé orie des classes de C hern
Grothendieck, Alexander, Revêtements étales et groupe fondamental (SGA 1)
Grothendieck, Alexander, Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique
Grothendieck, Alexander, Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géometrie algébrique. I . G énéralités. D escente par morphismes fidèlement plats
Grothendieck, Alexander, Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. II . L e théorème d'existence en théorie formelle des modules
Grothendieck, Alexander, Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. V . L es schémas de P icard: théorèmes d'existence
Grothendieck, Alexander, Technique de descente et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. VI . L es schémas de P icard: propriétés générales
Grothendieck, Alexander, Techniques de construction et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. III . P réschemas quotients
Grothendieck, Alexander, Techniques de construction et théorèmes d'existence en géométrie algébrique. IV . L es schémas de H ilbert
Grothendieck, Alexander and Dieudonné, Jean, É lé ments de gé omé trie algé brique I
Grothendieck, Alexander and Dieudonné, Jean, É lé ments de gé omé trie algé brique I
Grothendieck, Alexander and Dieudonné, Jean, É lé ments de gé omé trie algé brique II
Grothendieck, Alexander and Dieudonné, Jean, É lé ments de gé omé trie algé brique III
Grothendieck, Alexander and Dieudonné, Jean, É lé ments de gé omé trie algé brique IV
Grothendieck, Alexander and Murre, Jacob P., The tame fundamental group of a formal neighbourhood of a divisor with normal crossings on a scheme
Grothendieck, Alexander and Raynaud, Michel and Rim, Dock Sang, Groupes de monodromie en géométrie algébrique. I
Grothendieck, Alexandre, Sé minaire de gé omé trie algé brique du Bois-Marie 1965-66, Cohomologie l-adique et fonctions L, SGA5
Grothendieck, Alexandre and Serre, Jean-Pierre, Correspondance Grothendieck-Serre
Gruson, Laurent, Dimension homologique des modules plats sur un anneau commutatif noethérien
Gruson, Laurent and Raynaud, Michel, Critè res de platitude et de projectivité
Göttsche, Lothar and Ellingsrud, Geir, Hilbert schemes of points and H eisenberg algebras
Hall, Jack, Openness of versality via coherent functors
Hall, Jack and Rydh, David, Artin's criteria for algebraicity revisited
Hall, Jack and Rydh, David, Coherent T annaka duality and algebraicity of H om-stacks
Hall, Jack and Rydh, David, General Hilbert stacks and Quot schemes
Hall, Jack and Rydh, David, The Hilbert stack
Halpern-Leistner, Daniel and Preygel, Anatoly, Mapping stacks and categorical notions of properness
Harris, Joe and Mazur, Barry and Pandharipande, Rahul, Hypersurfaces of low degree
Harris, Joe and Morrison, Ian, Moduli of curves
Harris, Joe and Mumford, David, On the K odaira dimension of the moduli space of curves
Harris, Joe and Roth, Mike and Starr, Jason, A bel-J acobi maps associated to smooth cubic threefolds
Harris, Joe and Roth, Mike and Starr, Jason, Rational curves on hypersurfaces of low degree
Harris, Joe and Starr, Jason, Rational curves on hypersurfaces of low degree. II
Harris, Joe and Tschinkel, Yuri, Rational points on quartics
Harris, Joseph and Roth, Mike and Starr, Jason, Curves of Small Degree on Cubic Threefolds
Harris, Joseph and Starr, Jason, Rational curves on blow-ups of projective space
Hartshorne, Robin, Algebraic Geometry
Hartshorne, Robin, Coherent functors
Hartshorne, Robin, Cohomological dimension of algebraic varieties
Hartshorne, Robin, Complete intersections and connectedness
Hartshorne, Robin, Local cohomology
Hartshorne, Robin, Residues and Duality, Lecture notes of a seminar on the work of A. Grothendieck
Hassett, Brendan, Moduli spaces of weighted pointed stable curves
Hassett, Brendan, Some rational cubic fourfolds
Hassett, Brendan, Special Cubic Fourfolds
Hassett, Brendan and Tschinkel, Yuri, Integral points and effective cones of moduli spaces of stable maps
Heinzer, William and Rotthaus, Christel and Wiegand, Sylvia, Catenary local rings with geometrically normal formal fibers
Heinzer, William J. and Levy, Lawrence S., Domains of dimension 1 with infinitely many singular maximal ideals
Heitmann, Raymond C., A noncatenary, normal, local domain
Heitmann, Raymond C., Characterization of completions of unique factorization domains
Heitmann, Raymond C., Completions of local rings with an isolated singularity
Hinohara, Yukitoshi, Projective modules over weakly noetherian rings
Hironaka, Heisuke, Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero. I , II
Hirzebruch, Friedrich, Topological methods in algebraic geometry
Hochster, M., Non-openness of loci in N oetherian rings
Hochster, Melvin, Prime ideal structure in commutative rings
Hochster, Melvin and Huneke, Craig, Infinite integral extensions and big C ohen-M acaulay algebras
Hollander, Sharon, A homotopy theory for stacks
Hoobler, Raymond Taylor, Cohomology in the finite topology and B rauer groups
Hoobler, Raymond Taylor, When is $\rm Br (X)=\rm Br '(X)$ ?
Huber, Roland, É tale cohomology of H enselian rings and cohomology of abstract R iemann surfaces of fields
Huber, Roland, Continuous valuations
Huneke, Craig, Uniform bounds in N oetherian rings
Huneke, Craig L. and Sharp, Rodney Y., Bass numbers of local cohomology modules
Hurwitz, Adolf, Ueber R iemann'sche F lä chen mit gegebenen V erzweigungspunkten
Huybrechts, D., Fourier-M ukai transforms in algebraic geometry
Huybrechts, Daniel and Lehn, Manfred, The geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves
Ihara, Yasutaka, How many primes decompose completely in an infinite unramified G alois extension of a global field?
Iitaka, Shigeru, Algebraic geometry. A n introduction to birational geometry of algebraic varieties
Iliev, Atanas and Markushevich, Dimitri, The A bel-J acobi Map for a Cubic Threefold and Periods of F ano Threefolds of Degree 14
Illusie, Luc, Complexe cotangent et déformations I and II
Illusie, Luc and Laszlo, Yves and Orgogozo, Frabice, Travaux de Gabber sur lúniformisation locale et la cohomologie étale des schémas quasi-excellents
Ito, Yukari and Nakamura, Iku, Hilbert schemes and simple singularities
Ivan Kausz, Ivan, A modular compactification of the general linear group
Iversen, Birger, Cohomology of sheaves
Iwanari, Isamu, Integral Chow rings of toric stacks
Iwanari, Isamu, The category of toric stacks
Iyengar, Srikanth, Free summands of conormal modules and central elements in homotopy L ie algebras of local rings
Jacobson, Nathan, Lectures in abstract algebra
Jacobson, Nathan, Lectures in abstract algebra. V ol III : T heory of fields and G alois theory
Jacobson, Nathan, Lectures in abstract algebra. V ol. I
Jaffe, David Benjamin, Coherent functors, with application to torsion in the Picard group
Janelidze, G. and Tholen, W., Facets of descent III : Monadic descent for rings and algebras
Jannsen, Uwe, Continuous É tale Cohomology
Jannsen, Uwe, Motives, numerical equivalence, and semi-simplicity
Jech, Thomas, Set Theory
Jouanolou, Jean-Pierre, Thé orè mes de B ertini et Applications
Joyal, André and Tierney, Myles, An extension of the G alois theory of G rothendieck
Joyet, Pierre, Poulebèques de modules quasi-cohérents
Kabele, Thomas, Regularity conditions in nonnoetherian rings
Kanev, Vassil, Irreducibility of H urwitz spaces
Kaplansky, Irving, Projective modules
Kapranov, Mikhail M., Veronese curves and G rothendieck-K nudsen moduli space $\overline M _0,n $
Kashiwara, Masaki and Schapira, Pierre, Categories and sheaves
Kato, Kazuya, Milnor $K$ -theory and the C how group of zero cycles
Katz, Nicholas M. and Messing, William, Some consequences of the R iemann hypothesis for varieties over finite fields
Katz, Nicholas Michael and Mazur, Barry, Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves
Kawamata, Yujiro, Kodaira dimension of certain algebraic fiber spaces
Kawamata, Yujiro, Subadjunction of log canonical divisors for a subvariety of codimension $2$
Kawasaki, Takesi, On arithmetic M acaulayfication of N oetherian rings
Kedlaya, Kiran and Liu, Ruochuan, Relative $p$ -adic Hodge theory, I: Foundations
Keel, Sean, Intersection theory of moduli space of stable $n$ -pointed curves of genus zero
Keel, Sean and McKernan, James, Contractible extremal rays on $\overline M _0,n $
Keel, Sean and Mori, Shigefumi, Quotients by Groupoids
Keller, Bernhard, Chain complexes and stable categories
Keller, Bernhard, Deriving DG categories
Keller, Bernhard, On differential graded categories
Kelly, G. M., Chain maps inducing zero homology maps
Kelly, Gregory Maxwell and Street, Ross, Review of the elements of $2$ -categories
Kempf, George Rushing, Pulling back bundles
Kerz, Moritz and Schmidt, Alexander, On different notions of tameness in arithmetic geometry
Kiehl, Reinhardt, Ein “D escente”-L emma und G rothendiecks P rojektionssatz für nichtnoethersche S chemata
Kim, Bumsig and Pandharipande, Rahul, The connectedness of the moduli space of maps to homogeneous spaces
Kleiman, S. L., Algebraic cycles and the W eil conjectures
Kleiman, Steven L., Bertini and his two fundamental theorems
Kleiman, Steven L., Motives
Kleiman, Steven L., On the vanishing of $H^n (X, \mathcal F )$ for an $n$ -dimensional variety
Kleiman, Steven L., The P icard scheme
Kleiman, Steven L., The standard conjectures
Kleiman, Steven Lawrence, Misconceptions about $K_X$
Kluitmann, Paul, Hurwitz actions and finite quotients of braid groups
Knudsen, Finn Faye, Determinant functors on exact categories and their extensions to categories of bounded complexes
Knudsen, Finn Faye and Mumford, David, The projectivity of the moduli space of stable curves, I . P reliminaries on “det” and “D iv”
Knuth, Donald Ervin, Tau E psilon C hi, a system for technical text
Knutson, Donald, Algebraic spaces
Kollár, János, Coherence of local and global hulls
Kollár, János, Coherence of local and global hulls
Kollár, János, Grothendieck-L efschetz type theorems for the local P icard group
Kollár, János, Maps between local P icard groups
Kollár, János, Quotient spaces modulo algebraic groups
Kollár, János, Quotients by finite equivalence relations
Kollár, János, Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties
Kollár, János, Rational curves on algebraic varieties
Kollár, János, Singularities of pairs
Kollár, János, Variants of normality for N oetherian schemes
Kollár, János, Which are the simplest algebraic varieties?
Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi, Rational connectedness and boundedness of F ano manifolds
Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi, Rationally connected varieties
Kollár, János and Mori, Shigefumi, Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
Kollár, János and others, Flips and Abundance for Algebraic Threefolds
Kontsevich, Maxim, Enumeration of rational curves via torus actions
Krause, Henning, A B rown representability theorem via coherent functors
Kresch, Andrew, Cycle groups for A rtin stacks
Kresch, Andrew, On the geometry of D eligne-M umford stacks
Kresch, Andrew and Vistoli, Angelo, On coverings of D eligne-M umford stacks and surjectivity of the B rauer map
Krull, Wolfgang, Allgemeine Bewertungstheorie
Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor, A correction to: “E limination of wild ramification” [I nvent. M ath. 19 (1973), 235–249; MR 0321929 (48 #294)] by H . P . E pp
Kuhn, Nicholas J., Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the S teenrod algebra. I
Kunen, Kenneth, Set Theory
Kunz, Ernst, Characterizations of regular local rings for characteristic $p$
Kunz, Ernst, Kähler differentials
Kunz, Ernst, On Noetherian rings of characteristic p
Kurke, Herbert and Pfister, Gerhard and Roczen, Marko, Henselsche R inge und algebraische G eometrie
König, Steffen and Zimmermann, Alexander, Derived equivalences for group rings
Lafforgue, Laurent, Chtoucas de D rinfeld et correspondance de L anglands
Lafon, Guillaume, Une surface d'E nriques sans point sur $\mathbb C ((t))$
Lam, Tsit Yuen, Lectures on modules and rings
Lam, Tsit Yuen and Reyes, Manuel Lionel, A prime ideal principle in commutative algebra
Lang, Serge, Abelian Varieties
Lang, Serge, Algebra
Lang, Serge, On quasi-algebraic closure
Lang, Serge, Real and functional analysis
Lang, Serge and Weil, André, Number of points of varieties in finite fields
Laszlo, Yves and Olsson, Martin, The six operations for sheaves on A rtin stacks. I . F inite coefficients
Laszlo, Yves and Olsson, Martin, The six operations for sheaves on A rtin stacks. II . A dic coefficients
Laumon, Gérard and Moret-Bailly, Laurent, Champs algé briques
Lazard, Daniel, Autour de la platitude
Lazard, Daniel, Deux mé chants é pimorphisms
Lazard, Daniel, Disconnexités des spectres d'anneaux et des préschémas
Lech, Christer, A method for constructing bad N oetherian local rings
Lech, Christer, Inequalities related to certain couples of local rings
Lech, Crister, Yet another proof of a result by O goma
Lee, Dan and Leer, Leanne and Pilch, Shara and Yasufuku, Yu, Characterization of completions of reduced local rings
Lee, Jongmin, Relative canonical sheaves of a family of curves
Lenstra, Hendrik Willem, Galois theory for schemes
Lichtenbaum, S. and Schlessinger, M., The cotangent complex of a morphism
Lieblich, Max, Moduli of complexes on a proper morphism
Lieblich, Max, Moduli of twisted sheaves
Lieblich, Max, Remarks on the stack of coherent algebras
Lieblich, Max and Osserman, Brian, Functorial reconstruction theorem for stacks
Lindel, Hartmut, On the B ass-Q uillen conjecture concerning projective modules over polynomial rings
Lipman, Joseph, Desingularization of two-dimensional schemes
Lipman, Joseph, Notes on derived functors and G rothendieck duality
Lipman, Joseph, Rational singularities, with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorization
Lipman, Joseph and Neeman, Amnon, Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor
Liu, Qing, Algebraic geometry and arithmetic curves
Loepp, S., Characterization of completions of excellent domains of characteristic zero
Lundkvist, Christian and Skjelnes, Roy, Non-effective deformations of G rothendieck's H ilbert functor
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry I : Stable Infinity Categories
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry II : Noncommutative Algebra
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry III : Commutative Algebra
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry IV : Deformation Theory
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry V : Structured Spaces
Lurie, Jacob, Derived Algebraic Geometry XII : Proper Morphisms, Completions, and the Grothendieck Existence Theorem
Lurie, Jacob, Higher topos theory
Lyubeznik, Gennady, $F$ -modules: applications to local cohomology and $D$ -modules in characteristic $p>0$
Lyubeznik, Gennady, A generalization of L ichtenbaum's theorem on the cohomological dimension of algebraic varieties
Lyubeznik, Gennady, Finiteness properties of local cohomology modules (an application of $D$ -modules to commutative algebra)
Lütkebohmert, W., On compactification of schemes
Ma, Linquan and Schwede, Karl, A K unz-type characterization of regular rings via alterations
Mac Lane, Saunders, Homology
MacPherson, Robert and Procesi, Claudio, Making conical compactifications wonderful
Manin, Ju. I., Correspondences, motifs and monoidal transformations
Markushevich, Dimitri and Tikhimirov, Alexander, The A bel-J acobi Map of a Moduli Component of Vector Bundles on the Cubic Threefold
Matlis, Eben, The higher properties of $R$ -sequences
Matsuki, Kenji, Introduction to the M ori program
Matsumura, Hideyuki, Commutative Algebra
Matsumura, Hideyuki, Commutative ring theory
Mattuck, Arthur, Complete ideals and monoidal transforms
Mazet, Pierre, Générateurs, relations et épimorphismes d'anneaux
Mazur, B. and Roberts, L., Local E uler characteristics
Mazur, Barry, Deforming G alois representations
McCleary, John, A user's guide to spectral sequences
McCoy, Neal H., Annihilators in polynomial rings
McQuillan, Michael, Formal formal schemes
Mesablishvili, Bachuki, On some properties of pure morphisms of commutative rings
Mesablishvili, Bachuki, Pure morphisms of commutative rings are effective descent morphisms for modules—a new proof
Metzler, David, Topological and Smooth Stacks
Miller, George Abram, The O bsolete in M athematics
Milne, James Stuart, É tale cohomology
Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi, A numerical criterion for uniruledness
Moonen, Ben and van der Geer, Gerard and Edixhoven, Bas, Abelian Varieties
Moore, John Coleman, Homotopie des complexes monoidaux
Morel, Fabien and Voevodsky, Vladimir, $\bf A ^1$ -homotopy theory of schemes
Moret-Bailly, Laurent, Un problème de descente
Morin, Ugo, Sull' unirazionalità dell' ipersuperficie algebrica di qualunque ordine e dimensione sufficientemente alta
Mukai, Shigeru, Duality between $D(X)$ and $D(\hat X)$ with its application to P icard sheaves
Mumford, David, Abelian varieties
Mumford, David, Further pathologies in algebraic geometry
Mumford, David, Lectures on curves on an algebraic surface
Mumford, David, Pathologies IV
Mumford, David, Picard groups of moduli problems
Mumford, David, Rational equivalence of 0-cycles on surfaces
Mumford, David, The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes
Mumford, David, The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes
Mumford, David, The topology of normal singularities of an algebraic surface and a criterion for simplicity
Mumford, David and Fogarty, John and Kirwan, Frances, Geometric Invariant Theory, 3d ed.
Murre, J. P., Lectures on an introduction to G rothendieck's theory of the fundamental group
Murre, Jacob P., On a conjectural filtration on the C how groups of an algebraic variety. I . T he general conjectures and some examples
Murre, Jacob P., On a conjectural filtration on the C how groups of an algebraic variety. II . V erification of the conjectures for threefolds which are the product on a surface and a curve
Murre, Jakob Pieter, Representation of unramified functors. A pplications (according to unpublished results of A . G rothendieck)
Nagata, Masayoshi, A generalization of the imbedding problem of an abstract variety in a complete variety
Nagata, Masayoshi, A remark on the unique factorization theorem
Nagata, Masayoshi, Finitely generated rings over a valuation ring
Nagata, Masayoshi, Imbedding of an abstract variety in a complete variety
Nagata, Masayoshi, Local rings
Nagata, Masayoshi, On the imbedding problem of abstract varieties in projective varieties
Nagata, Masayoshi, On the imbeddings of abstract surfaces in projective varieties
Nagata, Masayoshi, On the purity of branch loci in regular local rings
Nagata, Masayoshi, Remarks on a paper of Z ariski on the purity of branch loci
Nakamura, Iku, Hilbert schemes of abelian group orbits
Neeman, A., Rigid dualizing complexes
Neeman, Amnon, A counterexample to a 1961 “theorem” in homological algebra
Neeman, Amnon, An improvement on the base-change theorem and the functor f-shriek
Neeman, Amnon, The G rothendieck duality theorem via B ousfield's techniques and B rown representability
Neeman, Amnon, Triangulated categories
Nishimura, Jun-ichi, A few examples of local rings, I
Nishimura, Jun-ichi, A few examples of local rings, II
Nishimura, Jun-ichi, On ideal-adic completion of N oetherian rings
Nisnevich, Yevsey, The completely decomposed topology on schemes and associated descent spectral sequences in algebraic $K$ -theory
Nobile, Augusto, A note on flat algebras
Noohi, Behrang, Foundations of Topological Stacks I
Nygaard, Niels, On the fundamental group of a unirational $3$-fold
Ogoma, Tetsushi, General N éron desingularization based on the idea of P opescu
Ogoma, Tetsushi, Noncatenary pseudogeometric normal rings
Okonek, Christian and Schneider, Michael and Spindler, Heinz, Vector bundles on complex projective spaces
Olander, Noah, Orlov's Theorem in the Smooth Proper Case
Olivier, Jean-Pierre, Descente par morphismes purs
Olivier, Jean-Pierre, Going up along absolutely flat morphisms
Olsson, Martin, Algebraic spaces and stacks
Olsson, Martin Christian, $\underline \rm Hom $ -stacks and restriction of scalars
Olsson, Martin Christian, Course notes for M ath 274: S tacks, taken by A nton G eraschenko
Olsson, Martin Christian, Deformation theory of representable morphisms of algebraic stacks
Olsson, Martin Christian, On proper coverings of A rtin stacks
Olsson, Martin Christian, Sheaves on A rtin stacks
Olsson, Martin Christian and Starr, Jason, Quot functors for D eligne-M umford stacks
Oort, Frans, Algebraic group schemes in characteristic zero are reduced
Orlov, D. O., Derived categories of coherent sheaves on abelian varieties and equivalences between them
Orlov, D. O., Derived categories of coherent sheaves, and motives
Orlov, D. O., Equivalences of derived categories and $K3$ surfaces
Osserman, Brian, Relative dimension of morphisms and dimension for algebraic stacks
Osserman, Brian and Payne, Sam, Lifting tropical intersections
Pandharipande, Rahul, Intersections of Q -divisors on K ontsevich's moduli space
Pandharipande, Rahul, The canonical class of $\overline M _0,n (\mathbb P ^r,d)$ and enumerative geometry
Paranjape, Kapil Hari, Cohomological and cycle theoretic connectivity
Perrin, Daniel, Approximation des schémas en groupes, quasi compacts sur un corps
Perrin, Daniel, Schémas en groupes quasi-compacts sur un corps et Groupes henséliens
Perroni, Fabio, A note on toric D eligne-M umford stacks
Peskine, C. and Szpiro, L., Dimension projective finie et cohomologie locale. A pplications à la démonstration de conjectures de M . A uslander, H . B ass et A . G rothendieck
Peskine, Christian, Une généralisation du “main theorem” de Z ariski
Piene, Ragni and Schlessinger, Michael, On the H ilbert scheme compactification of the space of twisted cubics
Ponomarëv, K. N., Solvable elimination of ramification in extensions of discretely valued fields
Ponomarëv, K. N., Some generalizations of A bhyankar's lemma
Poonen, Bjorn, Varieties without extra automorphisms. III . H ypersurfaces
Popescu, Dorin, General N éron desingularization
Popescu, Dorin, General N éron desingularization and approximation
Popescu, Dorin, Global form of N éron's $p$ -desingularization and approximation
Popescu, Dorin, Letter to the editor: “G eneral N éron desingularization and approximation” [N agoya M ath. J . 104 (1986), 85–115; MR 0868439 (88a:14007)]
Popescu, Nicolae and Gabriel, Pierre, Caracté risation des caté gories abé liennes avec gé né rateurs et limites inductives exactes
Porta, Marco and Shaul, Liran and Yekutieli, Amnon, On the homology of completion and torsion
Porta, Marco and Shaul, Liran and Yekutieli, Amnon, On the homology of completion and torsion
Predonzan, Arno, Sull' unirationalità della varietà intersezione completa di più forme
Rainwater, John, A note on projective resolutions
Ran, Ziv, Deformations of maps
Ratliff, Jr., L. J., Characterizations of catenary rings
Raynaud, Michel, Anneaux henséliens et approximations
Raynaud, Michel, Anneaux locaux henséliens
Raynaud, Michel, Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groupes et les espaces homogènes
Raynaud, Michel, Spécialisation du foncteur de P icard
Raynaud, Michèle, Théoremes de L efschetz en cohomologie des faisceaux cohérents et en cohomologie étale. A pplication au groupe fondamental
Raynaud, Michèle, Théorèmes de L efschetz en cohomologie cohérente et en cohomologie étale
Rees, David, A note on analytically unramified local rings
Reid, Miles, Canonical threefolds
Reid, Miles, Young person's guide to singularities
Reinhard, Philipp Michael, Andre-Quillen homology for simplicial algebras and ring spectra
Rickard, Jeremy, Derived categories and stable equivalence
Rickard, Jeremy, Morita theory for derived categories
Rieffel, Marc Aristide, A general W edderburn theorem
Rizzardo, Alice, Adjoints to a F ourier-M ukai functor
Roberts, Joel, Chow's moving lemma
Rodicio, Antonio G., Local rings whose formal fibres are complete intersections
Rodicio, Antonio G., On a result of A vramov
Romagny, Matthieu, A note on group actions on algebraic stacks
Romagny, Matthieu, Group actions on stacks and applications
Ross, Joseph, The Hilbert-Chow Morphism and the Incidence Divisor
Ross, Julius and Thomas, Richard, A study of the H ilbert-M umford criterion for the stability of projective varieties
Roth, Mike and Vakil, Ravi, The affine stratification number and the moduli space of curves
Rotthaus, Christel, Rings with approximation property
Rouquier, Raphaël, Dimensions of triangulated categories
Rydh, David, Existence of quotients by finite groups and coarse moduli spaces
Rydh, David, Noetherian approximation of algebraic spaces and stacks
Rydh, David, Representability of H ilbert schemes and H ilbert stacks of points
Rydh, David, Submersions and effective descent of étale morphisms
Rydh, David, Étale Dévissage, descent and pushouts of stacks
Saavedra-Rivano, Neantro, Catégories tannakiennes
Saito, Takeshi, Vanishing cycles and geometry of curves over a discrete valuation ring
Saltman, David J., The B rauer group is torsion
Samuel, Pierre, Rational equivalence of arbitrary cycles
Samuel, Pierre, Relations d'é quivalence en gé omé trie algé brique
Samuel, Pierre, Unique factorization
Scheiderer, Claus, Quasi-augmented simplicial spaces, with an application to cohomological dimension
Schlessinger, Michael, Functors of A rtin rings
Schroeer, Stefan, Points in the fppf topology
Sernesi, Edoardo, Topics on families of projective varieties
Serpé, Christian, Resolution of unbounded complexes in G rothendieck categories
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Algèbre locale. M ultiplicités
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Applications algébriques de la cohomologie des groupes. II : Théorie des algèbres simples
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Corps locaux
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Faisceaux algébriques cohérents
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Galois Cohomology
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Groupes d'homotopie et classes de groupes abéliens
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Local algebra
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Modules projectifs et espaces fibré s à fibre vectorielle
Serre, Jean-Pierre, Sur la cohomologie des variétés algébriques
Seshadri, Conjeevaram Srirangachari, Quotient spaces modulo reductive algebraic groups
Sharp, Rodney Y., Necessary conditions for the existence of dualizing complexes in commutative algebra
Shioda, Tetsuji, Some results on unirationality of algebraic surfaces
Silverman, Joseph Hillel, The arithmetic of elliptic curves
Simpson, Carlos, Nonabelian H odge theory
Smyth, David Ishii, Towards a classification of modular compactifications of $\mathcal M _g,n $
Spaltenstein, Nicolas, Resolutions of unbounded complexes
Spivakovsky, Mark, A new proof of D . P opescu's theorem on smoothing of ring homomorphisms
Starr, Jason, Artin's axioms, composition and moduli spaces
Starr, Jason, Explicit computations related to R ational connectivity... by G raber, H arris, M azur and S tarr
Starr, Jason, Global sections of some vector bundles on K ontsevich moduli spaces
Starr, Jason, Hypersurfaces of low degree are rationally 1-connected
Starr, Jason, Kodaira dimensions of spaces of rational curves on low degree hypersurfaces
Stevens, Jan, On canonical singularities as total spaces of deformations
Suslin, Andrei and Voevodsky, Vladimir, Relative cycles and C how sheaves
Swan, Richard Gordon, Néron-P opescu desingularization
Takeuchi, Mitsuhiro, A simple proof of G abriel and P opesco's theorem
Talpo, Mattia and Vistoli, Angelo, Deformation theory from the point of view of fibered categories
Tate, John, Homology of N oetherian rings and local rings
Tate, John, Relations between K2 and Galois Cohomology
Tatsuuma, Nobuhiko and Shimomura, Hiroaki and Hirai, Takeshi, On group topologies and unitary representations of inductive limits of topological groups and the case of the group of diffeomorphisms
Taussky, Olga, A recurring theorem on determinants
Teissier, Bernard, Résultats récents sur l'approximation des morphismes en algèbre commutative (d'après A ndré, A rtin, P opescu et S pivakovsky)
Temkin, Michael, Stable modification of relative curves
Temkin, Michael and Tyomkin, Ilya, Ferrand's pushouts for algebraic spaces
Thomason, Robert Wayne and Trobaugh, Thomas, Higher algebraic $K$ -theory of schemes and of derived categories
Thorup, Anders, Rational equivalence theory on arbitrary N oetherian schemes
Totaro, Burt, Group cohomology and algebraic cycles
Totaro, Burt, The resolution property for schemes and stacks
Toën, Bertrand, Higher and derived stacks: a global overview
Toën, Bertrand, Thé orè mes de R iemann-R och pour les champs de D eligne-M umford
Toën, Bertrand and Vezzosi, Gabriele, Homotopical algebraic geometry. I . T opos theory
Toën, Bertrand and Vezzosi, Gabriele, Homotopical algebraic geometry. II . G eometric stacks and applications
Tsen, Chiungtze, Divisionalgebren ü ber F unktionenkö rper
Tsen, Chiungtze, Quasi-algebraische-abgeschlossene F unktionenkö rper
Tyurin, Andrei, Geometry of the F ano Surface of a Non-singular Cubic $F\subset \mathbb P ^4$ and T orelli Theorems for F ano Surfaces and Cubics
Vakil, Ravi, MATH 216: Foundations of Algebraic Geometry
Vlèduţ, Sergei Georgievich and Drinfel'd, Vladimir Gershonovich, The number of points of an algebraic curve
Vakil, Ravi, Murphy's law in algebraic geometry: badly-behaved deformation spaces
van den Bergh, Michel, Existence theorems for dualizing complexes over non-commutative graded and filtered rings
van der Put, Marius, Stable reductions of algebraic curves
Varbaro, Matteo, Gröbner deformations, connectedness and cohomological dimension
Vasconcelos, Wolmer V., Ideals generated by $R$ -sequences
Verdier, Jean-Louis, Des catégories dérivées des catégories abéliennes
Viehweg, Eckart, Canonical divisors and the additivity of the Kodaira dimension for morphisms of relative dimension one
Vistoli, Angelo, Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory
Vistoli, Angelo, Intersection theory on algebraic stacks and on their moduli spaces
Vistoli, Angelo, Intersection theory on algebraic stacks and on their moduli spaces
Vistoli, Angelo, Notes on G rothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory
Vistoli, Angelo, The H ilbert stack and the theory of moduli of families
Voevodsky, V., A nilpotence theorem for cycles algebraically equivalent to zero
Voevodsky, Vladimir, Homology of schemes
Voisin, Claire, Thé orè me de T orelli pour les cubiques de $\mathbb P ^5$
Warfield, Jr., R. B., Decomposability of finitely presented modules
Warfield, Jr., R. B., Purity and algebraic compactness for modules
Waterhouse, William C., An empty inverse limit
Waterhouse, William C., Basically bounded functors and flat sheaves
Weil, André, Courbes Algébriques et Variétés Abéliennes
Winter, David, The Structure of Fields
Yasuda, Takehiko, Non-adic formal schemes
Yekutieli, Amnon, On flatness and completion for infinitely generated modules over noetherian rings
Yekutieli, Amnon, Rigid dualizing complexes via differential graded algebras (survey)
Yekutieli, Amnon and Zhang, James J., Rigid dualizing complexes over commutative rings
Yoneda, Nobuo, On E xt and exact sequences
Yoneda, Nobuo, On the homology theory of modules