Lemma 80.11.8. Let $\{ S_ i \to S\} _{i \in I}$ be a covering of $(\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}$. Let $G$ be a group algebraic space over $S$, and denote $G_ i = G_{S_ i}$ the base changes. Suppose given
for each $i \in I$ an fppf $G_ i$-torsor $X_ i$ over $S_ i$, and
for each $i, j \in I$ a $G_{S_ i \times _ S S_ j}$-equivariant isomorphism $\varphi _{ij} : X_ i \times _ S S_ j \to S_ i \times _ S X_ j$ satisfying the cocycle condition over every $S_ i \times _ S S_ j \times _ S S_ j$.
Then there exists an fppf $G$-torsor $X$ over $S$ whose base change to $S_ i$ is isomorphic to $X_ i$ such that we recover the descent datum $\varphi _{ij}$.
We may think of $X_ i$ as a sheaf on $(\mathit{Sch}/S_ i)_{fppf}$, see Spaces, Section 65.16. By Sites, Section 7.26 the descent datum $(X_ i, \varphi _{ij})$ is effective in the sense that there exists a unique sheaf $X$ on $(\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}$ which recovers the algebraic spaces $X_ i$ after restricting back to $(\mathit{Sch}/S_ i)_{fppf}$. Hence we see that $X_ i = h_{S_ i} \times X$. By Lemma 80.11.1 we see that $X$ is an algebraic space, modulo verifying that $\coprod X_ i$ is an algebraic space which we do at the end of the proof. By the equivalence of categories in Sites, Lemma 7.26.5 the action maps $G_ i \times _{S_ i} X_ i \to X_ i$ glue to give a map $a : G \times _ S X \to X$. Now we have to show that $a$ is an action and that $X$ is a pseudo-torsor, and fppf locally trivial (see Groupoids in Spaces, Definition 78.9.3). These may be checked fppf locally, and hence follow from the corresponding properties of the actions $G_ i \times _{S_ i} X_ i \to X_ i$. Hence the lemma is true.
We suggest the reader skip the rest of the proof, which is purely set theoretical. Pick coverings $\{ S_{ij} \to S_ j\} _{j \in J_ i}$ of $(\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}$ which trivialize the $G_ i$ torsors $X_ i$ (possible by assumption, and Topologies, Lemma 34.7.7 part (1)). Then $\{ S_{ij} \to S\} _{i \in I, j \in J_ i}$ is a covering of $(\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}$ and hence we may assume that each $X_ i$ is the trivial torsor! Of course we may also refine the covering further, hence we may assume that each $S_ i$ is affine and that the index set $I$ has cardinality bounded by the cardinality of the set of points of $S$. Choose $U \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits ((\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf})$ and a surjective étale morphism $U \to G$. Then we see that $U_ i = U \times _ S S_ i$ comes with an étale surjective morphism to $X_ i \cong G_ i$. By Sets, Lemma 3.9.6 we see $\text{size}(U_ i) \leq \max \{ \text{size}(U), \text{size}(S_ i)\} $. By Sets, Lemma 3.9.7 we have $\text{size}(S_ i) \leq \text{size}(S)$. Hence we see that $\text{size}(U_ i) \leq \max \{ \text{size}(U), \text{size}(S)\} $ for all $i \in I$. Together with the bound on $|I|$ we found above we conclude from Sets, Lemma 3.9.5 that $\text{size}(\coprod U_ i) \leq \max \{ \text{size}(U), \text{size}(S)\} $. Hence Spaces, Lemma 65.8.4 applies to show that $\coprod X_ i$ is an algebraic space which is what we had to prove.
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