Since every algebraic space is the union of its quasi-compact open subspaces, we see that the first part of the lemma follows from the second part (some details omitted). Thus we assume $X$ is quasi-compact and we assume given an extension $K/k$ with $X_ K$ representable. Write $K = \bigcup A$ as the colimit of finitely generated $k$-subalgebras $A$. By Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.5.11 we see that $X_ A$ is a scheme for some $A$. Choose a maximal ideal $\mathfrak m \subset A$. By the Hilbert Nullstellensatz (Algebra, Theorem 10.34.1) the residue field $k' = A/\mathfrak m$ is a finite extension of $k$. Thus we see that $X_{k'}$ is a scheme. If $k' \supset k$ is not separable, let $k'/k''/k$ be the subextension found in Fields, Lemma 9.14.6. Since $k'/k''$ is purely inseparable, by Lemma 72.10.1 the algebraic space $X_{k''}$ is a scheme. Since $k''|k$ is separable the proof is complete.
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