The Stacks project

96.1 Introduction

There is a myriad of ways to think about sheaves on algebraic stacks. In this chapter we discuss one approach, which is particularly well adapted to our foundations for algebraic stacks. Whenever we introduce a type of sheaves we will indicate the precise relationship with similar notions in the literature. The goal of this chapter is to state those results that are either obviously true or straightforward to prove and leave more intricate constructions till later.

In fact, it turns out that to develop a fully fledged theory of constructible étale sheaves and/or an adequate discussion of derived categories of complexes $\mathcal{O}$-modules whose cohomology sheaves are quasi-coherent takes a significant amount of work, see [olsson_sheaves]. We will return to this in Cohomology of Stacks, Section 103.1.

In the literature and in research papers on sheaves on algebraic stacks the lisse-étale site of an algebraic stack often plays a prominent role. However, it is a problematic beast, because it turns out that a morphism of algebraic stacks does not induce a morphism of lisse-étale topoi. We have therefore made the design decision to avoid any mention of the lisse-étale site as long as possible. Arguments that traditionally use the lisse-étale site will be replaced by an argument using a Čech covering in the site $\mathcal{X}_{smooth}$ defined below.

Some of the notation, conventions and terminology in this chapter is awkward and may seem backwards to the more experienced reader. This is intentional. Please see Quot, Section 99.2 for an explanation.

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