Lemma 15.93.1. Let $A$ be a ring. Let $f \in A$. If there exists an integer $c \geq 1$ such that $A[f^ c] = A[f^{c + 1}] = A[f^{c + 2}] = \ldots $ (for example if $A$ is Noetherian), then for all $n \geq 1$ there exist maps
\[ (A \xrightarrow {f^ n} A) \longrightarrow A/(f^ n), \quad \text{and}\quad A/(f^{n + c}) \longrightarrow (A \xrightarrow {f^ n} A) \]
in $D(A)$ inducing an isomorphism of the pro-objects $\{ A/(f^ n)\} $ and $\{ (f^ n : A \to A)\} $ in $D(A)$.
The first displayed arrow is obvious. We can define the second arrow of the lemma by the diagram
\[ \xymatrix{ A/A[f^ c] \ar[r]_-{f^{n + c}} \ar[d]_{f^ c} & A \ar[d]^1 \\ A \ar[r]^{f^ n} & A } \]
Since the top horizontal arrow is injective the complex in the top row is quasi-isomorphic to $A/f^{n + c}A$. We omit the calculation of compositions needed to show the statement on pro objects.
Comments (1)
Comment #230 by Pieter Belmans on
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