13.25 Right derived functors via resolution functors
The content of the following lemma is that we can simply define $RF(K^\bullet ) = F(j(K^\bullet ))$ if we are given a resolution functor $j$.
Lemma 13.25.1. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category with enough injectives Let $F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor into an abelian category. Let $(i, j)$ be a resolution functor, see Definition 13.23.2. The right derived functor $RF$ of $F$ fits into the following $2$-commutative diagram
\[ \xymatrix{ D^{+}(\mathcal{A}) \ar[rd]_{RF} \ar[rr]^{j'} & & K^{+}(\mathcal{I}) \ar[ld]^ F \\ & D^{+}(\mathcal{B}) } \]
where $j'$ is the functor from Lemma 13.23.6.
By Lemma 13.20.1 we have $RF(K^\bullet ) = F(j(K^\bullet ))$.
Comments (1)
Comment #9525 by Elías Guisado on