During this proof we avoid writing the arrows in order to make the proof legible. Choose distinguished triangles $(X, Y, Z)$, $(X', Y', Z')$, $(X, X', X'')$, $(Y, Y', Y'')$, and $(X, Y', A)$. Note that the morphism $X \to Y'$ is both equal to the composition $X \to Y \to Y'$ and equal to the composition $X \to X' \to Y'$. Hence, we can find morphisms
$a : Z \to A$ and $b : A \to Y''$, and
$a' : X'' \to A$ and $b' : A \to Z'$
as in TR4. Denote $c : Y'' \to Z[1]$ the composition $Y'' \to Y[1] \to Z[1]$ and denote $c' : Z' \to X''[1]$ the composition $Z' \to X'[1] \to X''[1]$. The conclusion of our application TR4 are that
$(Z, A, Y'', a, b, c)$, $(X'', A, Z', a', b', c')$ are distinguished triangles,
$(X, Y, Z) \to (X, Y', A)$, $(X, Y', A) \to (Y, Y', Y'')$, $(X, X', X'') \to (X, Y', A)$, $(X, Y', A) \to (X', Y', Z')$ are morphisms of triangles.
First using that $(X, X', X'') \to (X, Y', A)$ and $(X, Y', A) \to (Y, Y', Y'')$. are morphisms of triangles we see the first of the diagrams
\[ \vcenter { \xymatrix{ X' \ar[r] \ar[d] & Y' \ar[d] \\ X'' \ar[r]^{b \circ a'} \ar[d] & Y'' \ar[d] \\ X[1] \ar[r] & Y[1] } } \quad \text{and}\quad \vcenter { \xymatrix{ Y \ar[r] \ar[d] & Z \ar[d]^{b' \circ a} \ar[r] & X[1] \ar[d] \\ Y' \ar[r] & Z' \ar[r] & X'[1] } } \]
is commutative. The second is commutative too using that $(X, Y, Z) \to (X, Y', A)$ and $(X, Y', A) \to (X', Y', Z')$ are morphisms of triangles. At this point we choose a distinguished triangle $(X'', Y'' , Z'')$ starting with the map $b \circ a' : X'' \to Y''$.
Next we apply TR4 one more time to the morphisms $X'' \to A \to Y''$ and the triangles $(X'', A, Z', a', b', c')$, $(X'', Y'', Z'')$, and $(A, Y'', Z[1], b, c , -a[1])$ to get morphisms $a'' : Z' \to Z''$ and $b'' : Z'' \to Z[1]$. Then $(Z', Z'', Z[1], a'', b'', - b'[1] \circ a[1])$ is a distinguished triangle, hence also $(Z, Z', Z'', -b' \circ a, a'', -b'')$ and hence also $(Z, Z', Z'', b' \circ a, a'', b'')$. Moreover, $(X'', A, Z') \to (X'', Y'', Z'')$ and $(X'', Y'', Z'') \to (A, Y'', Z[1], b, c , -a[1])$ are morphisms of triangles. At this point we have defined all the distinguished triangles and all the morphisms, and all that's left is to verify some commutativity relations.
To see that the middle square in the diagram commutes, note that the arrow $Y' \to Z'$ factors as $Y' \to A \to Z'$ because $(X, Y', A) \to (X', Y', Z')$ is a morphism of triangles. Similarly, the morphism $Y' \to Y''$ factors as $Y' \to A \to Y''$ because $(X, Y', A) \to (Y, Y', Y'')$ is a morphism of triangles. Hence the middle square commutes because the square with sides $(A, Z', Z'', Y'')$ commutes as $(X'', A, Z') \to (X'', Y'', Z'')$ is a morphism of triangles (by TR4). The square with sides $(Y'', Z'', Y[1], Z[1])$ commutes because $(X'', Y'', Z'') \to (A, Y'', Z[1], b, c , -a[1])$ is a morphism of triangles and $c : Y'' \to Z[1]$ is the composition $Y'' \to Y[1] \to Z[1]$. The square with sides $(Z', X'[1], X''[1], Z'')$ is commutative because $(X'', A, Z') \to (X'', Y'', Z'')$ is a morphism of triangles and $c' : Z' \to X''[1]$ is the composition $Z' \to X'[1] \to X''[1]$. Finally, we have to show that the square with sides $(Z'', X''[1], Z[1], X[2])$ anticommutes. This holds because $(X'', Y'', Z'') \to (A, Y'', Z[1], b, c , -a[1])$ is a morphism of triangles and we're done.
Comments (2)
Comment #330 by arp on
Comment #334 by Johan on
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