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Lemma 3.9.1. For every cardinal $\kappa $, there exists a set $A$ such that every element of $A$ is a scheme and such that for every scheme $S$ with $\text{size}(S) \leq \kappa $, there is an element $X \in A$ such that $X \cong S$ (isomorphism of schemes).

Proof. Omitted. Hint: think about how any scheme is isomorphic to a scheme obtained by glueing affines. $\square$

Comments (2)

Comment #9329 by Maxime CAILLEUX on

An heavy proof for this is :

Let be a cardinal. In the following set theoretic reasoning, all functions have to be regarded as their graphs, and a scheme is represented as the 4-tuple where is the underlying topological space of and is the sheaf of rings of S. To be clear on this representation, there exists a set of rings and a set of morphisms such that is the "rule" that associates to every open set its ring of regular functions and is the "rule" that associates to each inclusion of open sets its restriction morphism. We then set , , and . We set .\~\ Now, we let be a scheme with .\~\First of, if , we write its ring of regular functions. In this setting, we have . Indeed, since is a scheme, the open affines of form a basis of , so if , then injects (via restrictions to sub affines of U) in as is a sheaf. Furthermore, (the third inequality holds as is infinite) since is covered by its affines as it is a scheme and since for an affine (for some ), we have (and so ). Using the axiom of choice, we can now choose a family of injections and an injection . We set , and for all , we define , and (both are well defined as the injections are bijective on their images). Now we set and .\~\ By construction, , , as and as . What we just did is build a replica of , belonging to A as it naturally is a scheme, trivially isomorphic as schemes to .

It is weird, curly brackets do not appear. Many sets defined by comprehension are not displayed correctly. I do not know how to fix it.

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  • 4 comment(s) on Section 3.9: Constructing categories of schemes

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