The Stacks project

Comments 1 to 20 out of 9177 in reverse chronological order.

\begin{equation*} \DeclareMathOperator\Coim{Coim} \DeclareMathOperator\Coker{Coker} \DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext} \DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom} \DeclareMathOperator\Im{Im} \DeclareMathOperator\Ker{Ker} \DeclareMathOperator\Mor{Mor} \DeclareMathOperator\Ob{Ob} \DeclareMathOperator\Sh{Sh} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafExt{\mathcal{E}\mathit{xt}} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafHom{\mathcal{H}\mathit{om}} \DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec} \newcommand\colim{\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\lim{\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Qcoh{\mathit{Qcoh}} \newcommand\Sch{\mathit{Sch}} \newcommand\QCohstack{\mathcal{QC}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Cohstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Spacesstack{\mathcal{S}\!\mathit{paces}} \newcommand\Quotfunctor{\mathrm{Quot}} \newcommand\Hilbfunctor{\mathrm{Hilb}} \newcommand\Curvesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{urves}} \newcommand\Polarizedstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{olarized}} \newcommand\Complexesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{omplexes}} \newcommand\Pic{\mathop{\mathrm{Pic}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Picardstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{ic}} \newcommand\Picardfunctor{\mathrm{Pic}} \newcommand\Deformationcategory{\mathcal{D}\!\mathit{ef}} \end{equation*}

On left comment #10026 on Lemma 10.162.10 in Commutative Algebra

In the proof of (4), it seems a reference to Lemma 032W is missing for the finiteness of over , from which the finiteness of over is deduced.

On KDD left comment #10025 on Lemma 65.11.5 in Algebraic Spaces

In the proof of Lemma 03I2, I do not see why the first sentence starts the way it does. We do not use anywhere, nor the projections . It is also a bit confusing to have be both the projection and then use it to define the map for the middle equality.

On Dat Minh Ha left comment #10024 on Section 47.3 in Dualizing Complexes

I believe the proof of Lemma 08XV is a bit confusing, due to a small clash of notations. The -ideal from which we are mapping to should not be denoted by the same symbol as the set that indexes the direct sum.

On left comment #10023 on Lemma 10.162.2 in Commutative Algebra

is undefined

On Zhen Lin left comment #10022 on Lemma 20.24.1 in Cohomology of Sheaves

It is a little bit anxiety-inducing to see an argument by stalks applied to an infinite product. Maybe it would be clearer to observe that for any open subordinate to , the cochain complex of groups is homotopic to zero, so same is true on stalks a fortiori because is an open cover of .

On Lucas Henrique left comment #10021 on Section 10.37 in Commutative Algebra

Suggestion to alternate proof of lema 00GZ: a PID is normal, as PIDs are UFDs and UFDs are integrally closed by Gauss' lemma.

On left comment #10020 on Lemma 10.161.8 in Commutative Algebra

The writing should be improved a bit. First, as the comments above suggest, it should be made clear where normality is used. Second, "By linear algebra" should be replaced by a more transparent argument, which also highlights where separability is used (for instance, by separabiliity the bilinear form is non-degenerate and thus can be chosen to be orthonormal).

On Confused Again left comment #10019 on Section 10.60 in Commutative Algebra

it should be defined as an ideal whose radical is the maximal ideal. (Sorry for two comments)

On Confused left comment #10018 on Section 10.60 in Commutative Algebra

The notion of an ideal of definition is not defined in the context of a local ring on the stacks project.

On F. Aurelien left comment #10017 on Lemma 10.20.2 in Commutative Algebra

The proof of the special case of Lemma 0GLX is not true as written. An equality in does not necessarily imply the same equality in . A small modification solves the problem (see David Lui's comment in : for each , we can write wich implies the existence of such that . Let be the product of the ; then this time works.

On 羽山籍真(Hayama Kazuma) left comment #10016 on Lemma 60.2.4 in Crystalline Cohomology

It will be better if one wrote : the statement just implicitly uses .

On fp left comment #10015 on Lemma 15.44.4 in More on Algebra

Dear Branislav, In the conventions of the stacksproject, a field is a Dedekind domain.

On F. Aurelien left comment #10014 on Lemma 10.23.2 in Commutative Algebra

Perhaps an unnecessary modification that can be ignored: in order to avoid repetition in the proof of points (4) and (5), we can say directly that (4) is a consequence of (5) (even possibly removing point (4)?).

On Tim Holzschuh left comment #10013 on Lemma 29.26.1 in Morphisms of Schemes

Typo: "esthablished" in the last sentence of the proof should be established

On Branislav Sobot left comment #10012 on Lemma 15.44.4 in More on Algebra

Isn't it possible that be a field? For example, if is a DVR and its fraction field.

On \'etale local left comment #10011 on Lemma 63.10.5 in More Étale Cohomology

suggested slogan 'Excision exact triangle in \'etale cohomlogy'

On Heer left comment #10010 on Lemma 7.47.7 in Sites and Sheaves

In the 1st line of the proof, there seems to be a typo: change " in " to " in ".

The same happens for the 2nd part of the proof.

On local cohomology left comment #10009 on Lemma 47.10.1 in Dualizing Complexes

Even though the canonical morphism is not an equivalence, the functor should be right? The latter functor depends only on as a topological space?

On anon left comment #10008 on Lemma 10.119.2 in Commutative Algebra

I agree with David Savitt's comment that (at least for students) it's good to explain why (2) and (3) exclude (4). For (2), Savitt's comment is enough, for (3) a bit more explanation is to observe that depth implies are for . This implies that is injective and has -torsion, which contradicts the assumption.

On left comment #10007 on Lemma 15.59.7 in More on Algebra

Sorry, the first reference should be 15.59.5, not 20.26.6.